Chapter 26

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Allison's POV

The feeling of Harry's curls on my cheek tickles, gently stirring me from my sleep until I'm fully awake. I giggle and try to push them out of my face. Harry smiles, but keeps his eyes closed, wrapping his arms around my waist. My couch isn't very wide and I'm surprised we both managed to stay on it the entire night. However, that might be because of the impossibly strong hold Harry has on me. If I were to fall, he would've too.

I take a moment to admire Harry while his eyes are closed. I could be wrong, but I think I see a small smirk forms across his lips. Either he just thought of something funny, or he knows that I'm staring at him. He normally does. This time, however, he doesn't say anything about it.

While looking at Harry, my mind wanders and I begin to relive the events of yesterday. Niall's house, the Fourth of July, Harry getting angry with me, and Sina trying to seduce him. I sigh. She's so much prettier than I am. Actually, I don't know if pretty is the right word for her. She's very sexy, very seductive, with a very sultry nature about her that intrigues people. Unfortunately, that's three things I lack. Maybe that's why Harry left me alone in the guest bedroom yesterday. Deep down I know that, physically, I can't be what he needs. I can't be sexy and I'm not very experienced. Sina would be so much better for him than me. My shoulders slouch as I pout, angry that Harry could do so much better, yet settles for me.

"What's wrong?" Harry asks sleepily.

I look at him in confusion, furrowing my eyebrows. I haven't said any of this out loud and he hasn't opened his eyes. "How did you-"

"I don't have to look at you to know something's wrong. I can just feel it."

"Oh." I say simply. I'm glad his eyes are closed because I can feel my cheeks burning.

"I know you're blushing right now too." Harry says, his eyes still closed.

Dammit. He's good.

"So what is it? What's upsetting you?"

I sigh. "I was just..thinking about Sina." I say quietly and Harry scoffs.

His nose scrunches up in disgust. "Well stop."

"She seemed to like you."

"She likes everyone, Allison. She's a harlot."

I try to stifle my laughter. Harry's medieval vocabulary amuses me sometimes. No woman has been called that since the Renaissance era. "A harlot." I repeat.

"She is. There's no better word to describe her."

I shrug. "I can think of a few."

Harry smiles sleepily. "Please, share." His voice is so hoarse it's so cute.

"Well there's promiscuous, licentious, debauched, or just good old-fashioned naughty."

Harry laughs, allowing me to see his beautiful dimples. "All very appropriate. I'm impressed."

"You should be. I dug deep in the arsenal for licentious."

We both laugh and I close my eyes again. I know I won't be able to go back to sleep, it's too bright in here. It astounds me how Harry can sleep through practically everything. If it were up to him he would probably sleep through the birth of his firstborn.

Harry scrunches his nose up again. "What is that smell?"

I take a long sniff of the air, looking around for whatever Harry might be smelling. "Does it smell like flour? Or cookies or something?" I ask and Harry nods. I smell it too.

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