Chapter 53

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Allison's POV

"It's so pretty! Mom, can I have it please?" A small girl with blonde hair asks. She holds up a necklace with a leaf pendant, staring at in in awe. Her eyes widen and she turns it over in her small hand.

"What do you want that for?" Her mother smiles down at her, a sleeping child on her hip. The baby in her arms has dark hair that falls carelessly on his head.

The little girl smiles, looking down at the necklace. "You look so pretty in it. I want to be pretty like you." She says and her mother smiles warmly at her. "Also, daddy said that it made you like him. He told me when he gave you the necklace that you liked him more."

Her mom laughs, kneeling down to look her daughter in the eye. "Well I'll have to remind daddy that I liked him long before he gave this to me."

"I can tell him if you want." She says, as only a child would.

The mother smiles, brushing her daughter's hair behind her ear. "I'll make you a deal." She says and her daughter nods eagerly. "When you turn sixteen, you can have it."

"Sixteen?!" Her daughter whines. "That's so far away! Elliot will be a grown up by then!"

Her mother frowns. "Grace, that's not actually possible. At no point in time will Elliot ever be older than you." She laughs. "It's only ten years. It'll be here before you know it. I promise." She holds out her pinky, but her daughter crosses her arms over her chest in a huff. Her mom raises her eyebrows. "Don't doubt the seriousness of the pinky promise." She says and her daughter's scowl fades. They lock pinkies and exchange smiles, laughing as the mom pulls her daughter in, delivering a kiss to her cheek.

I feel my body shaking and I jolt awake, looking around frantically.

Oh. It was a dream. But.. it was me. It was my daughter, my son. I bring my hand up to my head and take a deep breath in. What a mind fuck, looking at myself in the future. A daughter and a baby boy on my hip. The daughter, obviously resembles me, and the boy had the same dark, messy, curls as Harry.

Grace and Elliot. Elliot and Grace. I like it.

Harry places his arm on my shoulder, relaxing me. "It was just a little turbulence, baby. You're fine." He hums quietly, his eyes closed.

I take in my surroundings. We're on the plane? Funny, I don't even remember getting on. I sit next to the window. Harry is next to me and a young man in a suit is next to him. I gaze out the window, it's so dark. "Where are we?"

"Currently?" Harry sleepily raises an eyebrow. "Somewhere above the Atlantic Ocean. We'll be landing shortly. I'd guess ten, maybe fifteen, minutes."

Wow. I got an entire night of sleep on this plane ride. I don't feel nearly as tired as I did at the airport, but I would probably fall asleep again if I tried. How are we almost landing? Everything happened so fast. It's giving me a headache. Though, that might just be the plane.

I turn back to Harry and rest my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes. I hear his heart beat, echoing throughout his chest. I take in a deep breath, sighing. "Harry?" I whisper to him and he hums in response. "What do you think of the name Elliot?" I say and he falls silent. Shit. I should've approached this more delicately.

After a long pause, Harry sighs. "I think it's nice. Sounds trustworthy, confident, powerful. But also, kind and compassionate. Elliot sounds like a nice guy."

I smile at his response. "You haven't even met him yet."

"I know. But the name holds so much promise."

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