Chapter 16

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Allison's POV

Driving to work with Harry this afternoon was actually okay. As much as it surprises me to say it, I like being in his company. His car always smells nice too, and it's always immaculately clean. He was apologizing profusely about my wrist the entire time I was with him. In fact, I bet if I had a dollar for every time he apologized, I'd be a Kardashian. I insisted to him that I was over it and I really believe that I am. I was antagonizing him and he made it clear that it's not normal for him to do things like that.

The only thing is I have to wear long sleeves while my dad is home, at least until it heals. It's not too noticeable, but my dad would definitely lose his mind if he happened to stumble across it. As soon as he leaves for work, I practically strip naked. And what's more is that it's summer, which is an instant call for heat, especially with the overbearing humidity of Florida. A summer in Florida combined with long sleeves half of the day is a recipe for spontaneous combustion.

In addition to that, I also had to deal with Cameron as soon as I got to work. He wasn't very pleased to see Harry and I coming to work together, and I knew that he would be like that. I can't blame him. He's already seen me in rare form after Hayden broke up with me. I understand that he doesn't want to repeat that so I appreciate where he's coming from.

Needless to say, he's been avoiding me all day. Every time I look at him he stares at me with sad eyes and walks the other way. I would give anything to know what he's thinking. Harry was right when he said Cameron wanted to be more than friends with me, and I guess I knew that already. There's no doubt that Cam is attractive, but I just couldn't see us together. I don't especially like that it hurts his feelings, but I suppose it's just the way it is.

After what seems like the longest day at work in a long time, it's finally five. I begin organizing the bookshelves to pass time until Harry gets here. Once I've put the classical literature in alphabetical for the third time, I see that it's a little past five thirty. I pull my phone from my pocket to call Harry when something pokes at my thigh. I turn around to see a small boy standing next to me. He looks about eight or nine and his hair falls in a dark blonde mess on his head. I wait, expecting him to say something, or perhaps explain why he poked me, but he stares up at me as if I'm supposed to do something.

"I'm sorry." He finally speaks and removes his hand from my leg. I'm about to ask what he's apologizing for, but he speaks again, "Will you help me read this book?" He asks.

I cock my head to the side and look at him with confusion. He's not holding a book.

"I would love to help you read, but you don't have a book."

He stares into space with wide eyes, "I don't have a book?" He says in genuine surprise and I shake my head at him, "Okay, follow me."

The boy grabs my hand and starts pulling me towards the back of the store by the children's section. I find myself fairly confused, but I allow him to lead me regardless. Harry hasn't arrived to pick me up yet anyway.

"There it is. My mistake." He grabs a book from the ground and hands it to me smiling widely, "Can we read please?"

I grab the book from him and read the title to myself, Me and My Family. I laugh to myself at the fact that the title should be My Family and I, to be grammatically correct, before nodding to the boy. Sitting down on the small steps in the children's area, I open the book the first page. Much to my surprise, the boy hops into my lap, waiting for me to read.

"Hi, what's your name." He says as though he's just met me.

"My name is Allison," I smile at him and he whispers my name under his breath a few times, "What's yours?" I echo.

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