Chapter 43

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chapters have been short lately so this one is longer (:


Harry's POV

"C'mon baby. Where are you?"
I rest my elbows on my knees, sitting on the side of my bed and running my fingers through my hair.

"What would Allison do?" I whisper to myself. I'm so tired. I feel like I'm going to pass out. I stand up and sigh. I need sugar.

I keep hearing Allison's voice in my head, but I'm sane enough to know that she's not here. I've been imagining her presence since I woke up from that fucking coma.

Groaning, I lift myself off the bed and walk to the kitchen, a permanent scowl etched onto my face. Opening the pantry, I file through the box of Laffy Taffy, looking for a green one, but only finding pink and yellow ones.

I continue rummaging through it, letting out an exasperated sigh when I finally come across a green one. I pull it out of the box, and something else comes into view. I pause, squinting at the box and identifying a piece of paper, poking out from under the pile of candy.

"What the hell?" I whisper to myself, pulling out the piece of paper to look at it and I freeze.

It's Allison's handwriting.

There's only a few words written on it though. A part of a sentence. There has to be more. Without hesitation, I grab the box and dump out all of the candy onto the tile floor, digging through it for more paper. Tiny pieces fall out and I separate each of them, arranging them into an order that makes a little bit of sense. Once I've arranged them in a line, I look over it and read it all to myself.


If you found this, it means that you're alive and that's a step in the right direction. I don't know how much you remember, or if you'll remember me at all, you were hurt pretty badly.

How could I forget her? Well I did forget her, but only for a minute.

I look at the next post-it, but my name is Allison and I love you. Well at least I thought I did. I read and my face instantly falls. Is this some kind of fucking Dear John letter?

I don't have a lot of time to explain everything, so I hope to see you soon so we can talk. If you remember, we have A LOT to talk about. She writes in capital letters.

Suddenly, images begin to make their way to consciousness. A marble staircase, the big chandelier again, and a lot of food.

The party. I remember that.

Then other images begin to resurface. Allison crying and me trying to console her, but she won't let me. Why isn't she letting me? She starts running away from something, but it's not from me. I can't think of what it was.

I continue reading the letter, hoping it will jog my memory.

You told me to run and I did. I don't know how much time I'll have before they come for me, but I know they will. I know they'll take me because I have nowhere to hide.

What is she talking about? Who's they and why does she need to hide? I begin to get frustrated as I frantically read another post-it. Oh, Dylan. Right, I forgot for a second.

I'm scared Harry and I wish you were here. I don't know what's going to happen when Dylan gets here, but I'll promise you one thing. I promise you I'll stay alive.

I pick up the last note.

I know what you did, but I'm not leaving you alone. I don't know where they'll take me, but I know you'll find me. Please find me Harry.

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