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Allison's POV

I walk through the sliding glass doors of the grocery store, enjoying the feeling of the Florida sun simmering against my skin. I've complained about summers in Florida for being too hot, but I've really grown to like them.

I pull my sunglasses from my hair and bring them over my eyes before loading my groceries into the trunk of my car. Luckily, there is no refrigerated items, so the heat won't melt anything. I get into the driver's seat and realize that something is missing. My keys.

"For fuck's sake." I mumble incoherently, getting out of the car again.

I speed walk back into the grocery store, returning to the cashier that checked me out. I ask her if she's seen my keys and she nods, pulling them out from behind the counter. I sigh in relief and take them from her, thanking her.

"No problem. The heat makes people forgetful." She smiles.

I'm not entirely sure I agree with that logic, but she's an old woman, she's forgiven. I thank her again and turn to leave. I pause for a moment at the front of the store, filing through my keys until I find the one to the car.

"Allison?" Someone calls my name and I look up, turning my head both directions to find the source of the voice.

I lock eyes with a familiar face, a face I haven't seen in almost three years. All at once, memories come flooding back to me in an overwhelming and tsunami-like, fashion. I relive through a thousand moments in a matter of nanoseconds before I can think to reply. But, the only thing I can think to say is, "Niall", under my breath as he approaches me.

His eyes widen and he smiles at me. "Holy shit." He says, now standing directly in front of me.

I push my sunglasses up into my hair and stare at him. "Niall." I say again, unable to formulate another response.

"Jesus, how long has it been? You look amazing." He says and shamelessly eyes me from head to toe. "Good to see you've got some color back in you." He smiles casually, putting me at ease. He's my friend. I shouldn't feel uncomfortable.

I laugh in response. "Thanks, the sun helps with that." I reply and Niall laughs as well.

"Wow. How have you been? You all right?"

I pause, honestly considering the question. "I've been great. Really great. I just came to get some food for my apartment."

"Are you still living with your dad?"

"No." I smile. "I moved into my own apartment a few years ago. I have a job too."

"Oh." Niall nods. "Where do you work?"

I smile with excitement. "I volunteer at a preschool a few miles from my house. I don't teach, but I basically watch the kids all day while their parents at work."

Niall laughs. "A paid volunteer."

"Indeed. A very well-paid volunteer." I smirk in response. "I wanted to get as close to having a child as I could, since I can't have kids of my own. They seem to like me, so I guess it all works out." I smile.

Niall nods, a soft smile spreading across his lips. "I see. You've come for groceries, but you're leaving empty-handed?" He laughs and I look down, remembering that I don't have any groceries.

"Oh, right. I did have groceries, but they're in my car. I left my keys in here." I say and he laughs.

"Then, how did you get into your car?"

I furrow my eyebrows. That's a good question. "I guess I left it unlocked." How stupid of me. "Anyway, how are you? How's Addy?" I ask and Niall's I'm absolutely infatuated with this girl smile returns.

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