Chapter 54

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Allison's POV

I'm pleased to find that Harry is still asleep when I wake up, the white blankets of the hotel bed covering both Harry and I. He holds me in close proximity to his chest and I smile up at him. He's so cute when he's asleep. Unfortunately my gawking is interrupted when the pain in my stomach returns. Jesus, what's wrong with me?

I wince and roll over to lay flat on my back, prying Harry's arms off of me. I stare up at the ceiling, hoping that this will end soon. It comes and goes now and I don't know why. It hurts for a moment and then leaves. But this time feels different. It hurts more than it has before. I cover my mouth with my hand, biting the inside of my cheek to stop myself from crying. I want this to stop.

I get out of the bed as quietly as I can, tiptoeing into the bathroom. I switch the light on and nearly scream at my reflection. My complexion is, to say the least, unhealthy. My skin is hot but I'm not sweating. In fact, I feel cold. What the fuck is happening? An uncomfortable feeling rises in my throat and I cough quietly.

Oh no.

I run to the toilet, flinging the lid open. I barely have enough time to pull my hair back before I vomit into the porcelain bowl. I fall to my knees and pray that this will end. I feel like shit. Eventually, it stops. I haven't eaten in hours. I have nothing left to throw up.

I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, flushing the toilet. I stand and turn to go wash my hands, jumping when I see Harry standing in the door frame. He's shirtless, his curls falling messily on his head, and his sweats hang low on his beautiful hips. He looks at me with concern, waiting for me to say something. I slouch, feeling intimidated. Why am I afraid?

"Allison." Harry regards me calmly. He takes a step forward and I take one step back. "What's wrong with you?"

I shake my head, feeling embarrassed for some reason. "Nothing. I'm fine." I mentally face palm at my answer. It's such bullshit.

Harry furrows his eyebrows and approaches me warily. "You're not. You just threw up. I watched you."

"I didn't know you were up." I say and try not to cringe in embarrassment.

Harry sighs. He looks angry, but the anger seems to be overpowered by another emotion. Fear, I think. "How long has this been happening to you?"

"Just since yesterday. I'm sorry, Harry."

He furrows his eyebrows again, taking another step towards me, but I'm out of places to run. I'm back against the wall as he continues to advance. "What are you apologizing for?"

I cock my head to the side. Why am I apologizing? "I.. I don't know. I feel like I've done something wrong."

"You haven't. I'm just worried about you. Why wouldn't you tell me if you weren't feeling well?"

"I thought that it would've ended by now, but I still feel like crap."

Harry frowns. He places his hand in mine, but immediately retracts it. "Jesus, you're burning up." He says, staring down at my hand. Harry places his hand to my forehead and his eyes widen. "Allison, I'm taking you to the health clinic. You need to see a doctor."

"Harry, really, I'm fine." I say though I feel my eyelids dropping. But, I'm not tired.

"You're not fine! Look at you!" Harry says, exasperated.

I turn to look in the mirror, but my legs decide to stop supporting me for some reason. They give out from under me and I collapse. I hear Harry yell "Jesus!" and he catches me before I hit the ground. And then everything goes silent.

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