Chapter 32

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Harry's POV

After a tiring week of being alone and wallowing in my own self-pity, Sunday comes around. I wake up in a bad mood. Why wouldn't I? I have nothing to look forward to today. I slept until noon. Granted, I didn't go to bed until four in the morning. I don't know why my sleeping schedule is so off, but I have no incentive to change it.

It's the 14th day of December. I didn't have time to write anything deep in my journal before I had to get ready. I think I wrote something about how I miss Allison, like I always fucking do. Then I took a shower and mentally prepared myself for this meeting with Dylan. I don't know what I'm preparing for, I don't think he's mad at me. I haven't done anything. Then again, he'll pull something out of his ass just so he can punish me. I still can't believe that psychotic tyrant uses a whip. The only purpose those should serve in today's society is pleasure for people that are into sadism. They shouldn't be used to hurt someone out of spite, it's such an ancient torture device.

But, no one cares what I think. I don't have any power in that room. As far as the hierarchy goes, I'm at the very bottom. I don't mind it. It probably puts me one step closer to getting the hell out of this mess than the other boys. Niall would probably follow right behind me. I forget how he even became involved.

I'm distracted when my phone buzzes on the arm of the couch. I glance down at it and stare at the text message.

Erin - do you want to meet up for lunch (:

Honestly, yes. I do. But I have a prior engagement thanks to Dylan. I text Erin back, apologizing and telling her that have other plans. She replies and insists that it's okay and we'll go out another time. I take this as my queue to leave. Dylan said I can't be late. I pick my keys up from the counter and open my apartment door.

As soon as I walk out of my apartment, I collide with someone, both of us falling to the ground. I close my eyes, wincing. As I recover, I realize that I'm familiar with the body beneath me. Intimate with it, in fact.

"You've got to be kidding me." She says, confirming my thoughts.

I open my eyes slowly, seeing Allison underneath me. Mentally, I laugh at the situation. This is how we met and we've been in a similar position many times since then. How is it that ninety percent of the time I'm leaving my apartment, she's here? I'm finding it extremely coincidental. It only solidifies my belief that the universe loves to fuck with me.

"Hello, Allison." I quickly get off of her, offering my hand to help her up.

She takes it and it's as though she has a direct connection with my central nervous system. My veins, that feel like they've been idle for days, restore in their color. My heart, which has also been dormant, rekindles, beating so loud I can hear it in my ears. I fear Allison may hear it too. The chill inside my body slowly begins to thaw, melting away with every moment that her skin is on mine. All of this, because she grabbed my hand. Even now, to this day, I'm amazed by the effect of her touch on me. She has no idea.

"Hello." She says.

I'd forgotten I said hello to her. I was preoccupied with the feeling my body was regaining.

I look at her for a moment. Slowly admiring her for fear of being ignored for another two weeks. "You look amazing." I think out loud. I didn't mean to say it, but I don't regret it.

A heated blush rises to Allison's cheeks. She looks down at her feet, trying to hide her smile. "Thank you." She says quietly before clearing her throat. "Um, you do too."

I hear my heart thump again as more warmth is restored to me. I stare at her longer. I've missed the sight of her. The sound of her voice. I hope she speaks again.

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