Chapter 49

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Allison's POV

I wake from my sleep for no apparent reason, glancing around the darkness of my room. I look behind me and see Harry fast asleep, his arms holding my waist tightly. The clock on my dresser reads 3:47 AM. Shit. We slept that long. I expected it from me. I was tired and Harry's serenade bewitched me into a sleep like death. But I'm surprised Harry is still asleep.

The muffled sound of television passes through my door. There's a soft glow coming from the crack under it. Dad must be home.

I pry Harry's hands off of me and he stirs, but doesn't wake up. I tiptoe out to the living room and see my dad sleeping on the couch, the TV playing softly in front of him. I smile at the sight before me and tap his shoulders gently. He jolts awake and I jump back. I wasn't expecting such a fast reaction, but, police reflexes I guess.

"Allison?" He cocks his head to the side.

"Hi dad."

He glances at his watch. "Sweetheart, what are you doing up?" He moves the remotes and a newspaper from the couch, gesturing for me to sit down.

I shrug and take a seat. "I don't know."

"Well, I was quite surprised to come home and find someone sleeping in your bed with you." My dad laughs.

"Yeah. Actually, I have to tell you something about Harry." I say and my dad pushes his glasses up on his face, looking at me expectantly. I take a deep breath in. "He's asked me to marry him." I say and his eyes widen. "And he's also asked that I go to England with him to meet his parents." I say and clench my teeth.

My dad lets out a long sigh, rubbing his eyes and resting his elbows on his knees. "It's a bit early for this conversation. Is it not?"

"I know. I just wanted you to be aware of that."

"Have you responded to his proposal?"

"I have." I say and lean forward to look at him. "Dad, Harry and I are getting married."

He purses his lips and every muscle in me tenses up. Does he think we're not ready? He doesn't know the depths of our relationship. If I haven't left him by now, then I'm never going to.

"That's great news." He says and smiles genuinely. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and smile with him. "When are you two going to England?"

My smiles grows wider. "Seriously? You're okay with this?"

"I trust you, Allison. I know if you think you're ready, than you are. Besides, you're twenty four. You can make your own decisions. And what's more, I trust Harry." He says and I furrow my eyebrows. "He's obviously crazy about you and I know he'll take care of you." He says and my heart warms.

For a moment, it dawns on me that my mother doesn't know anything about my relationship with Harry. The only time she's 'met' him is when I dragged him to her house so we could treat his injured back. It's not the best impression to make. I'll have to get them together to reconcile that.

"Thanks dad." I smile and kiss his cheek. "What am I supposed to do about mom? She doesn't know about any of this."

My dad takes in a deep breath, considering something. "I'll talk to her."

I widen my eyes. "Seriously?" I know my parents' relationship after their divorce hasn't been the most friendly. He's always wanted to reach out to my mother, but she's always been so hostile. I wish she'd be as open for closure as my dad is.

"Yes, I'll meet with her this week. Do you want to come? And bring Harry?"

"I'll ask him."

"Okay. Just let me know. But for right now, I think we should both sleep."

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