Chapter 46

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Harry's POV

My days here, eventually, fall into a routine. Louis runs errands, I'm left wth Allison, I pledge my unfaltering love to her, she doesn't hear me, and so on. Her physical responses have shown some improvement. She's able to move without looking like she's hurting herself. But still, her eyes have not opened. It's been a few weeks since they resuced her. Why is it taking so long?

I'm in the middle of making tea when I hear a high-pitched cry, penetrating through the silence of the house. It's like the sound from my nightmares. Except now, I'm awake. Right? I drop my mug as I turn to follow the sound. It shatters on the hard-wood floor, but I disregard it. I run up the stairs as my heart rate begins to accelerate, ringing in my ears. Anxiety overwhelms me with every step that I take. I reach the top of the staircase and run to the end of the hall, bursting through the door to Allison's room.

My eyes land on her and I want to scream. Oh God. This can't be real. Allison's eyes are screwed shut in pain as she cries out. I'm at the bedside in a second, looking at her in a panic. What do I do? A sheen of sweat covers her forehead and her chest, her hair damp from perspiring so profusely. Jesus Christ. She screams again and I grab her hand.

"Allison!" I yell, absolutely frantic. She thrashes on the bed and I feel like I'm going to pass out. "Allison, you're okay! Everything is okay, I'm here!" I yell again, desperately hoping that she'll calm down.

She writhes under her blankets and her eyes suddenly snap open. I feel all of the air leave my lungs. A part of me thought I'd never see them again. They look frantically around the room and she screams again. I bring my hand up to her cheek, and her eyes dart towards me. She shys away from my hand, her breathing out of control. She looks down at the IV and her face pales. She yanks it out, screaming, and throws it aside in horror.

"Allison, it's okay! That's there to help you!" I say loudly and she begins to calm down. Allison backs away from me, shaking under her blankets. Her eyes land on me and look me up and down carefully, like she's studying me. She slowly looks down at my hand, intertwined with hers and pulls it away. I feel my heart break in half as she looks at me, horrified, like I'm a stranger.

"Do you know who I am?" My voice cracks as I speak. I don't want to know the asnwer.

Allison's mouth falls open, like she wants to speak, but she can't seem to find any words. She closes it and swallows hard, nodding slowly at me.

Relief washes over me and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Who am I?" I ask her tentatively.

She stares at me for a while, her breathing returning to a normal pace. She swallows again and takes a shaky breath in. I'm on the edge of my metaphorical seat, the anticipation of her answer is killing me. "You're Harry." She croaks, her voice scratchy from not being used, or from the screaming a minute ago.

I can't help the grin that settles on my face. "That's right. I'm Harry. But, do you know who I am?"

Allison looks at me confused. "I just told you." She says and eyes me warily. "Do you know who you are?"

I try not to laugh. "Of course. I'm your boyfriend." I say and pause. "I love you."

Allison's gaze falls from mine as she squeezes her eyes shut again. She looks like she's in pain. "I know you do." She whispers.

"How do you know that?"

She locks eyes with me again and I try not to faint. Her eyes are tired and afraid, but they look straight through me as though they're peering into my soul. They've seen so much.

"You told me. You've told me that a lot the past few days."

I cock my head to the side. "You heard me?"

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