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"I sensed the force in Luke Skywalker

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"I sensed the force in Luke Skywalker ."

"Who the hell is Luke Skywalker?"

Alarms sounded once more but this time it was for an official breach on the board and Alora knew exactly who was a apart of it.

If she were to tell Gideon or Vader—that was the main question because of what currently was going on, it wouldn't change a thing. But the fact the force was so strong in him maybe it could stop something bigger in the future.

The young sith wasn't sure what she should do with what she felt but considering it wasn't the time she decided to push it aside for later.

"The farm boy from Tatooine?!" Kadon shouted as they both stepped onto the chaotic control room floor.

Alora followed close behind the general as they weaved through the maze of  shouting officers "Yes, I sense the force in him!"

Kadon's brows contorted like he was trying fit the image with the description of the boy his sister had told him about.

Before he could respond one of his officers interrupted.


Kadon closed his mouth then pushed his blaster into Alora's hands.

"One second." He muttered as he hurried over to his officer's panel.

"General! They have control on the detention area." She informed.

"Great!" Hux ran a hand down his face. "They released the Princess!" He announced in utter disbelief.

Alora bit down on her tongue. It bled.

If only she had known what it felt like to sense the force in someone, maybe she would have been able to stop all this when she had met Luke.

Looks and titles were deceiving. She learned her lesson but it was far too late for her to change the situation.

"General Hux! What do we do?! They've infiltrated our troopers!" Shouted another officer from across the panel.

"Do you think I haven't noticed?" The general screamed back, his face was now reddened with anger and it was getting redder by the second.

Kadon hadn't the best temper when under pressure.

"There's not much we can do except for send more troopers!"

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