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"And I hate to admit it

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"And I hate to admit it...I see the change in you as he does"

"Never forget me, my love." The voice was angelic and soft.

Alora's heart was warmed but it didn't last for long. Her bones began to ache and that warmth turned to a bitter cold-

Opening her eyes, Alora was blinded by the morning rays pouring through the windows of the ship.

She pushed herself up from her cot and gathered her belongings in a small satchel—careful not to wake up the rest of the crew.

Throwing over her the hood of her cloak, she took off down the ramp and headed towards  Skywalker's X-wing.

"It's been awhile" greeted Luke.

Alora lifted her head to the Jedi before her as she pulled back her hood.

The way the sun shined against his dirty blonde locks reminded her of the farm boy who once entranced her under the binary sunset.

In that split moment, the man she saw shared a striking resemblance to the past memory of the same man she met years before only, he was older, stronger and wiser.

The scene was overwhelming; it took Alora's breath away in an instant.

Her cheeks felt hot but she refused to react.

Instead she licked her lips and smiled back, acting oblivious.

"It has"

Alora could tell by the glint in Luke's knowing eyes that he never doubted her presence. Like he knew she'd  accept his offer.

"I guess I'll be your pilot for the day." Luke joked.

She smirked "Sure you don't want me to?"

An obnoxious chirp came From the X-wing—the two glanced up to see R2's head spinning in objection.

Luke chuckled "You have a point." He agreed before turning his attention back to the offended woman. "I do apologize but I value my Red Five."

"You don't trust me?" She questioned in awe.

With a smile, The Jedi knight shook his head "I'm afraid not."

As their eyes met, they exchanged a hesitant look. The events of the night before were still fresh in their minds.

Neither of them were ready to admit what happened though they were aware of their true feelings for eachother.

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