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"Why I was the best damn pilot AND smuggler in the whole galaxy

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"Why I was the best damn pilot AND smuggler in the whole galaxy."

Maybe her failure was the least of Vader's worries. By the chatter in the halls of the ship, Alora knew her master had some other things planned.

Turning a corner, Alora found herself centimeters from running into some man.

As he held her shoulders, he gave caution "Careful there, darling."

She hadn't recognized the strange man but she was quite taken by his sickly charismatic charm and overly handsome features.

Alora squinted her eyes "Who are you?"

"Why I was the best damn pilot AND smuggler in the whole galaxy." He declared, emphasizing on AND, like it was huge thing to brag about.

Her brow raised as she questioned him. "What are you doing here?"

The man crossed his arms "Some business on Cloud City." He shared, not giving her the details.

Honestly, she could care less if he didn't share everything, considering her master was apart of whatever was going on. She'd eventually get the information from him.

Mr. best pilot AND smuggler in the whole damn galaxy in his ridiculous cape repulsed the young apprentice.

And to think he was really proud to be a smuggler had her wanting to laugh.

With an up and down look the sith slowly nodded "Huh."

He continued on, introducing himself in a formal way; with a bow. "I'm Lando Calrissian."

Alora couldn't tell if he was serious or not with his dramatic introduction. She found it hilarious.

"And I'm Alora Ohnaka."

Lando's expression immediately changed as he took a step back. "Ohnaka?"

From the sudden change of his tone, Alora frowned.


His curiosity grew "Are you by any chance related to Hondo Ohnaka?"

"He was my father." She answered, her voice faltering.

The smuggler gave a sympathetic look. "I only met him a few times after the Clone Wars." he stuffed his hands into his pockets. "I'm sorry for your loss, he was a good man."

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