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*Warning: Intense back story*

Alora Ohnaka, only daughter of the late pirate King known as Hondo Ohnaka

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Alora Ohnaka, only daughter of the late pirate King known as Hondo Ohnaka. Or so she had thought from what she had been told.

Alora, who was abandoned by both her parents at birth, was just a youngling when she had been taken in by a mentor named Moff Gideon.

Moff Gideon was a well respected imperial leader of the Empire's imperial army but his appetite for power remained unceasing. He wanted more.

So upon hearing the news of an old sith colleague of his giving birth to this youngling, he sought out the child in a long two year search.

This was his chance and he was determined not to fail.

By the time he had found the youngling, she was no older than two and staying forgotten in a small orphanage on Tatooine.

Knowing this youngling was force-sensitive; much like her late mother, and needed training, Gideon presented her to Darth Vader in hopes he would train her well enough for him to use for his plans.

Gideon was the only one who really knew of Alora's mother but he kept her identity a secret from the Child.

Instead, to make the darkness strong in her, the Imperial leader made up a story of what had happened to Alora's parents for when she was old enough to begin asking.

"Do I have a mother and father, mentor?" Young curious Alora asked for the first time.

It was only a few day after her fifth birthday and already she was so inquisitive but Gideon was well prepared for the sudden curious questions she had for him.

"You did." He answered crouching down to her height as he spoke with a faltering smile.

"But they perished not long after abandoning you. Your mother saw one glimpse of you after you were born and could not handle the thought of the responsibility of being a mother. That is when she left you wrapped in a blanket at the door of the orphanage I found you in. After abandoning you, you no longer existed to her. She was free of you and free to live her life." His tone and demeanor was malicious yet poor Alora was too young and innocent to notice.

Gideon proceeded on lying "She died after running into a Jedi master who killed her instantly. And as for you're theif of a father, he was already gone after hearing the news of your birth. To him, you were only a mistake. He was soon killed at the hands of General Grevious after being caught stealing plans and weapons from us."

The little girl's eyes welled up with tears at Gideon's response. Her warm beating heart turned cold that day, it's quick beats were no more.

He was quick to pull the whimpering child into his arms"But here with me and with the Empire you are safe and loved, my dear." His words hissed off his tongue as he spoke softly in her ear hypnotizing the child with his misleading promise.

Later that night Gideon grinned from ear to ear in great selfish pride from what he had done to the torn child.

He destroyed Alora by deceiving her with lies that ignited a flame of growing hatred within her once beating lively heart.

This was the beginning of the sith she was to become and Gideon, he was most pleased with what he had started.

Quite a heartbreaking back story. 😔
What do you guys think? 🤔
What do you think will happen when she meets Luke Skywalker? 👀
Btw I will be doing a schedule type thing I think so definitely keep notifs on! 1st chapter will be up soon!
I'll let you guys know how the update schedule thing might work at the end of the first chapter! 🙌🏻


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