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"There will be no peace in this galaxy until the very last Jedi is dead!"

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"There will be no peace in this galaxy until the very last Jedi is dead!"

Through the force, an unpleasant darkness crept in shadowing the tranquility around them.

Overwhelmed by the feeling, Skywalker felt the need to look over his shoulder every few seconds.

Someone was watching.

And Alora could sense it as well.

"I've got a bad feeling."

The knight turned his head swiftly and a raised brow. "Sorry?"

She noticed his unusual distraction "Are you okay?"

Luke figured they shared the same concern but he thought it best not to cause alarm.

"Of course." He kept a nonchalant tone "We should be getting close."

The night's fast approach made Luke uneasy. He tightened his grip around Alora's hand—to limit the risk of losing her.

They needed to get off the street as soon as possible. It wasn't safe.

Skywalker pulled the woman in front of his shielding body and pushed her to the door of a random shop "I'll join you in a minute."

Oblivious, she frowned "Where are you going?"

"I just need to check something out real quick." His tone was calmer than usual. It almost seemed forced.

However, Alora could feel his heart accelerating and adrenaline pumping in his veins.

Something wasn't right.

But she knew better than to argue so she opened the door.

"Don't be long." She said before stepping in.

With small cautious steps, Luke strayed away from the shop and went on searching for their stalker.

"I know you're there!" He abruptly spoke into the vacant street.

There was something familiar about this presence...a presence he recognized from awhile back on Takadonna...

Then realization hit him. It was Kadon. He found them but how?

'He must've been tracking us'

"Kadon Hux" He announced.

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