>Edits Pt.2<

441 19 26

Some colleges, edits and covers.
Enjoy! ❤️✨

-Colleges ⭐️-


Alora Ohnaka - Daughter of Hondo Ohnaka
Birthplace - Alderaan
Side of the Force - Darkside/Sith
Best skill - Telepathy through the Force
Master - Darth Vader
Biggest fear - Trust

Orphan, hatred, curious

"Of course I would have, I'm a sith!"

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"Of course I would have, I'm a sith!"

Luke Skywalker- Son of Fallen Jedi Anakin Skywalker
Birthplace - Unknown but grew up on Tatooine since birth
Side of the Force - Lightside/Jedi
Best skill - Greatest pilot in all the galaxy
Master - Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda
Biggest fear - Falling to the darkside

Gentle, selfless, clumsy

"May the Force be with you"

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"May the Force be with you"

Love, betrayal, acceptance

Love, betrayal, acceptance

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