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"It is dangerous"

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"It is dangerous"

Upon reaching Takodana, the Jedi knight felt a strong sensation pool at the pit of his stomach.

It unsettled him but he kept his focus on more important matters as a distraction.

Finding Ashoka Tano was his mission. The grown padawan was impossible to track down—moving from planet to planet on her own quests made it quite the challenge.

Last Luke heard was Tano was in search of another Jedi named Ezra Bridger.

He hoped this friend of his had some useful information for his ongoing search.

Once Luke landed, he made his way to Maz' castle where he was to get some clues on Ashoka's whereabouts.

Many people walking past him stared in shock by his presence.

You'd think he was a mythical legend come to life by the way people stopped and looked—in a way you could say he was.

The younger naive version of himself would've gloated under the spotlight but his current older self was humble and able to ignore the curious glances.

As Luke got closer to the tall glowing castle, the feeling from earlier got stronger. He recognized it right away but couldn't quite grasp the possibility.

R2 beeped suddenly causing him to come to an abrupt stop. He slowly lifted his head, meeting the gaze of a beautiful red haired woman.

It was her...

In complete silence, the two played a game of stare—neither daring to be the first to break the ice.

'Beep beep' R2 chirped, bringing his master out of his trance.

The knight then brought his hands up and removed his dark hood, revealing himself to the woman before him.

Alora studied his appearance. He was slightly aged as expected but a glint of that farm boy remained inside those scarred pupils of his.

"Luke?" She whispered as if his name was a secret and he couldn't help but smile a little.


It was odd that when he was finally mentioned for the first in five whole years, it was like he'd been summoned.

Meanwhile, ever since leaving her on Daiyu, Luke thought about Alora every single day.

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