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"I just don't want to fail everything we've fought for

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"I just don't want to fail everything we've fought for."

"It all makes sense to me now"

Alora's attention was on the Jedi knight, who was reminiscing his childhood.

"Why my Uncle and Aunt were so protective over me."

The two were sat across from eachother in a small vacant room.

Their little tour had come to an end and now they were just chatting away about their dreary past.

Actually, it was more Luke chatting away and Alora just sat and listened.

She kind of enjoyed listening to him.

"I can't remember who I was running from but I was being chased as a youngling. It makes sense now."

His head then raised and he caught Alora in time to see her glance away.

Luke knew he was a talkative person and he felt bad for not letting Alora have a chance to speak.

A guilty smile formed on his face "What was your childhood like?" he asked.

The young woman's bewildered eyes slowly moved back to the knight.

"About me?"

She didn't expect him to ask her anything.

Luke's brows creased when feeling an uneasiness shift inside her.

"You're childhood." He repeated softly.

Alora swallowed thickly.

She'd have to make it all up on the spot.

What could she say?

Her mind only drew a blank.

"I well-" she began nervously. "It wasn't the best. Not worth sharing I assure you."

It was a partial lie but it was all she could come up with in the moment.

"It couldn't have been that bad."

She suddenly got a vivid memory of Gideon approaching her in the orphanage back on Tatooine.

Though she was only a foundling she remembered every detail that day very well.

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