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"Just think about it, Luke

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"Just think about it, Luke. Should you really trust someone who murdered your father and abandoned you?"

Dark and humid was all Alora could sense as her surroundings slowly began to piece together into a wet swampy setting.

Thick fog covered the ground and up around her ankles.

A strong pungent smell then filled her nose which caused her to almost gag.

Suddenly a silhouette of a man arose from the mist and he started to move in her direction, at the center of the swamp.

A pair of blue eyes met her brown pair, shock filled within them when noticing who she was.

"You?" He said in an appalling tone.

Alora tucked a strand behind her ear as she fell into character, hoping to get into his mind.

She looked around the desolate swamp with a wide grin "Where's this?"

Luke's brows creased in question. "You're apart of my mind, aren't you?"

A smirk formed on her face. She liked his sass. "Why yes but without your conscience you wouldn't be questioning things."

Her words were too riddling for the boy to understand. She only made him more confused.

"What do you even mean?"

Alora crossed her arms, chuckling "What do you want it to mean?"

This was a mind trick she had recently learned through the force in their first encounter. It was how she got him to slip twice—until now.

He seemed to be adapting fast a lot faster than she anticipated but Alora was determined to push him.

The farm boy gave her a knowing look, like he was beginning to figure her out.

Alora could care less, it didn't stop her from continuing her game.

"How long do I have to talk to you?"

The sith softly chuckled. "However long you want to." She lied.

"Well I'd like to leave now." He demanded.

Alora was more than pleased by the frustration growing within him.

Like she had hoped, it was working.

"Go ahead."

Luke walked away and Alora followed right behind till the boy realized.

He turned back around shouting. "Why won't you leave me alone?!He was aggravated at this point.

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