>Ch. 21<

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>Ch. 21<

"I'm sure they see you now and are proud

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"I'm sure they see you now and are proud."

In Alora's eyes, the Galaxy was dark and glum which reflected the Empire's defeat.

Stars twinkled as the fighter flew smoothly past.

A grey planet soon came into view and the X-wing descended into it's misty atmosphere.

"Welcome to dagobah." Luke announced over her com.

Alora peeked out at the earth below, it was covered in brown; Brown water, brown trees and a brown sky.

'So this was the infamous Dagobah?'

To her dismay, it wasn't as appeasing as it sounded.

Luke and R2 beat her out. Both waited patiently on the swampy shore for her.

She was reluctant when climbing out of her seat.

The second the air hit her nose she felt sick to her stomach by the overwhelming stench of mildew filling her senses.

"You'll get used to it." Luke remarked a little too confidently.

Alora ignored him as she focused on her balance down the metal of the fighter.

The farm boy offered a hand while she reached the edge and she took it obligingly.

"When we get to the hut it won't be as bad."

"Uhuh." Alora replied, sounding rather skeptic.

R2 beeped in a way that she took as mockery and she scolded him.


The crackling of the fire was music to Alora's ears.

After numerous attempts the two finally managed to create a spark.

While it was still unbearably humid, with the sun completely gone the temptature had dropped massively.

Alora sat comfortably in the path of the fire's warmth whilst Luke looked through the small hut for some old Jedi texts.

It didn't long for him to come out with a big stack of books in his arms.

"Got them."

"That's great, so we can go?!"

You could say Alora was joking with him but in all honesty she was desperate to get off the swamp planet.

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