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"Only facing it will strengthen you, ignoring it will weaken you and Padawan you will stay

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"Only facing it will strengthen you, ignoring it will weaken you and Padawan you will stay."

Yoda raised his wooden cane and whacked it over his padawan's head.

Luke's hands flew to his head as he deadpanned to his Master.

Of course Yoda had every right to strike him, sense he'd been in daze much of his training but Luke was getting annoyed with the abuse.

If only Luke could explain to him, he'd understand these episodes were unintentional.

Since his last visit with Alora, he began getting these odd headaches that lasted no more than a few seconds at a time.

Each time he knew it was her trying to get through and he fought her back which caused him to go into these dazed like states.

It interfered a lot with his training, making it hard for him to achieve his tasks.

His master took notice of his frequent episodes and he watched carefully each time.

Luke did his best to keep them from his master in he'd think otherwise about them but the witty old man was already onto him.

"Distractions, hmm?"

"No I-"

His master chuckled. "Lying to your master, you are."

Yoda whacked him a second time.

Though his master was correct, Luke still made a frown.

"I just keep getting these headaches like someone is trying to get into my mind." He partially admitted.

The little green man hummed. "Not friendly, it is?"

"No I don't think it is, which is why I've been fighting it."

"Ah. Something dark?"

Dark was a much better word for what it had Luke feeling.

"I guess you can say that."

Yoda nodded. "The dark side tempts you. It is up to you to let it distract you, young Skywalker."

Luke scratched his damp hair as he let out an exhausted sigh. "I've been trying to ignore it, master."

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