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"I am your father"

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"I am your father"

Alora stayed in her quarters on Cloud City while the exchange took place. She sat on the bed, saber in hand as she was killed with boredom.

What else was there for her do to do now?

Turning Skywalker to the dark side was a massive failure, Hux was still with the rebels with little to report yet Vader had everything under control.

Her dreams of fighting, using the skills She'd acquired were just a fever dream. Once her master would terminate those in the rebellion as well as the ill-fated Luke Skywalker she felt she'd be no other use for the Empire.

Laying back, head on her pillow, she gazed up at the white ceiling, day dreaming of her training days from when she was a child. How eager and excited she was. Darth Vader was proud to have her as his apprentice.

"The force surrounds us, penetrates us and binds the galaxy together and as sith we have the power to bend it to our advantage. Something Jedi refused to try which has caused THEM to fail, apprentice."

Young Alora listened closely as he master proceeded with his teaching.

"There is a dark side of the force. The dark side is what helps us become more powerful than any in the galaxy. More powerful than our Jedi enemies that WE made extinct." Vader motioned the little girl towards him. "Come forth young apprentice, and I will show you, your potential when giving your life and loyalty into the dark side."

Obeying, the apprentice stepped forward and put her head down as her master pressed his hand to the side of her cheek.

She saw herself a lot older, a blazing red saber that purred at each swift thrust. Men dropped at her merciful hand as it twirled in the air.

But then through the thick of the mist there was a bright blinding green flame that illuminated the gray and outlined a tall silhouette.

She tried to adjust her eyes to the shadowed figure, desperate to see who the person was but then-

There was a sudden knock. "Alora."

The girl awoke and quickly pushed herself up from the bed, getting in a brief stretch as she did.

"Come in."

Admiral Piett walked in, nervous as always. "Lord Vader has requested your presence in his chambers."

Like railspeeder slamming into her with a screeching halt her breath was knocked right out.

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