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"So what's you're story?"

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"So what's you're story?"

Mos Eisley was the same as Alora remembered.

Those many years ago on her very first mission where she met the farm boy, Luke Skywalker.

The only difference she noticed about the city was that the storm troopers were no longer on patrol in the crowded city.

Cobb Vanth left Alora with food and water, something the Mandalorian failed to do—and she much appreciated his gesture.

While Mos Eisley remained the same it felt a lot bigger which made it difficult for Alora to choose where to start her search.

She searched endlessly till the two suns set and the sky began to darken—and the streets came alive.

In that time she had calculated she'd been to 50 businesses in all. Cantinas, inns, small casinos, you name it but she found absolutely nothing. Not even a single clue nor hint of where this rumored mercenary, Dune may have been.

Alora was drained by the end of the day and she was ready to give up for the night.

As she walked to the inn she was staying at, she sttumbled upon bright flashing neon lights, inviting her inside the crowded Cantina.

It awakened a temptation inside her. By everything she'd been through the past few years, Alora thought she deserved to wind down and relax with a nice drink or two.

"Give me three shots of your finest spotchka, please."

The bartender nodded as he grabbed some shot glasses and a fresh bottle of the strong beverage.

"Celebrating or heartbreak?"

Alora turned her head to a muscular woman. She had her dark hair styled to the side and a small mark under her eye that looked like a symbol of the Rebel Alliance—it was.

"Neither." She sheepishly answered.

The woman tilted her head and offered a small smile as she glanced at the three shot glasses in front of her.

"That's quite a lot to be drinking for nothing and you don't look like the alcoholic type."

Sighing, Alora replied "It's a long story. I've been through a lot."

"So heartbreak it is!" She grinned in conclusion and Alora rolled her eyes.


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