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"If you're gonna kill me I suggest you do it now, I've already suffered enough!"

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"If you're gonna kill me I suggest you do it now, I've already suffered enough!"

Hot and dry and sand...

Alora wanted to bury herself inside the dunes, in hopes it was cooler than the hot sandy surface that was burning through the soles of her leather boots.

However at the same time she thought maybe having the sun beating down on her was better than having risk her life from some sand creature residing under the grains.

The Mandalorian guy, Din Djarin agreed to bring her with him on Tatooine.

While He never exactly specified where he was dropping her off, Alora believed he was taking her into a city on business with him, to help find some bounty hunters to recruit and train her but she was wrong.

Maybe she had herself to blame for ignoring his whole attitude towards her. He wasn't all that friendly from the start.

Mos Eisley would have been nice at least but no he chose the middle of bumkriff as the perfect spot to leave her—alone.

His excuse was that he was running late and needed to leave the planet immediately.

Apparently taking her to the nearest town was too much for him. He didn't even offer her any water .

'Great new beginning'

Then again maybe it was her karma. She couldn't be mad at the universe for that. It's what she deserved.

Alora grew tired and overly fatigued, the heat was taking quite a toll on her.

If she pushed herself any further she would end up falling face first into the hot sand like once upon time.

Alora played it safe and found a large sand dune that offered her some shade. She sat behind it and eyes closed in relief.

That wasn't the best idea...

It didn't her long to drift into a deep sleep as the comforting warmth lulled her deeper into her small dream world.

"Alora, no!"

Green and red glowed amongst the mist and a figure formed over her.

"You abandoned me!"

An unpleasant squeal awoke her from her dream state and she was dumbfounded by the whole predicament she found herself in.

She was yanked forward and her tied hands couldn't break her fall so her body went tumbling into the golden sand.

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