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"A good Jedi always keeps their word

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"A good Jedi always keeps their word."

Aboard the destroyer, Alora had an unexpected meeting with the one whose name was the most feared in all the Galaxy, Lord Sidious or as he was known in the Galactic Empire, Emperor Palpatine.

In his presence she stood trembling, her knees threatening to buckle at any given moment.

Palpatine had called upon her without the knowledge of her master, Vader. That alone told her he knew something she didn't and it could have been trouble.

"My dear Alora." Palpatine sung between a snicker. "It seems your master has not been fully honest with you."

His remark didn't come as a surprise to Alora because since his encounter with Skywalker, Vader wasn't exactly himself but if she was to question him about it—let's just say he wouldn't be to happy with her to answer.

"Y-yes I've noticed it recently, my lord." She hesitantly nodded.

The Emperor was silent and Alora was scared he had the idea she had failed relaying it to him to protect Lord Vader while that clearly wasn't the reason.

So in her defense, she quickly stammered on to explain. "Emperor, if I may-" swallowing thickly she went on. "I do have a solid explanation for my failure to notify you. Master Vader has been putting me on a number of missions with Skywalker. I only felt a shift in him briefly before following his orders and I thought nothing of it since."

His pale gray lips then grew into a wicked smirk. It was like he was getting a kick out of Alora's fright towards him.

"Fear not my child, I know everything." He paused to limp closer in front of the young girl. "As a loyal apprentice who seeks to please their master I know how willing you are to obey him."

A heavy labored breath escaped his mouth and he continued. "But I'm afraid Vader has been using you to his advantage."

Alora began to frown at what he was telling her yet slowly it started to make sense to her. However, she didn't understand why he was so set on her getting through to Luke.


Palpatine could sense her pondering and he responded with a bow of his cloaked head.

"Luke Skywalker is the son of Vader." he revealed and Alora about dropped her jaw.

Seeing her shock, the Emperor's smirk widened.

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