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"Come little one"

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"Come little one"

Luke followed the call into the outer rim. A single light cruiser drifted aimlessly in the shadows, the youngling aboard.

"Incoming craft, Identify yourself" A woman demanded through the com.

Ignoring her, the knight continued pulling into the hangar.

Luke exited his X-Wing, throwing up his hood and making his way toward the voices that plead for help.

With long strides, Luke found himself walking through grey, repetitive hallways towards the sound of something heavy hitting the floor.

He grabbed his lightsaber and ignited it.

It's blade vibrated against his fingertips, causing them to tingle in anticipation. 

Dark, shiny robotic looking troopers appeared and opened fire, and with practiced ease, Luke deflected the troopers lasers.

As he advanced forward, he swung his saber, using the force to enhance his speed.

While these troopers were strong, they were no match for the ferocity of the Jedi knight and his lightsaber.

One by one the troopers fell.

Leaving a path of destruction behind him, Luke stepped inside another elevator and patiently awaited for the doors to introduce him to his final challenge.

When the doors opened he moved fast.

Right. Left. Up. Down. Swing.

Each skillful move flowed through him like fine choreography.

With the force he threw the robotic troopers around like toys.

On his last opponent, he simply reached his gloved hand out and clenched it into a fist causing the trooper to crush like tin and fall with a loud clang.

Luke then walked over it's deformed metal body and came to a stop in front of a large door.

He could sense the presence of a rather small group on the inside.

Their energy was full of terror by what they witnessed from the cameras.

The knight understood it would take them a moment to realize he was an ally.

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