>Ch. 31<

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>Ch. 31<

"It's the rules

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"It's the rules."

"Alora, no!"

Like a veil the thick mist lifted, revealing a face—a face that resembled the picture of her mother and she was beautiful.

She smiled sweetly and in a hushed voice she spoke.

"My dear, be mindful of your surroundings" her mother warned.

Before the frightened girl could question her the mist vanished and a bright light blinded her-

With a start, Alora woke up, tears streaming down her face—the dream still fresh in her mind.

It took her a moment to compose herself as she took in the quietness of the small room.

She was all too familiar with the room from the times she stayed in it, waiting for Luke to return from his various adventures, meditating and many other productive things when she went about her days.

Alora enjoyed those memories shared with Luke—but there was a familiar pang of guilt built up in her stomach from the memory as to why she got close to the Jedi knight in the first place.

She found herself wandering the never ending halls like she used to before the days of Endor.

It wasn't long for her to find an old favorite spot.

Alora stepped inside the book filled room and began to reminisce of the many books she read at the table before her.

She remembered one particular moment, Luke had an endless amount of questions about a book she was reading at the time "The Deception" and because of the Jedi rules, he was forbidden to read such stories. So Alora shared the whole plot with him and while his questions irritated her, she actually enjoyed the attention he was giving her.

Thinking of their talk, she scoffed to herself "Funny how small things like that could foreshadow such events in your life."

She took a seat and continued. "It's like life gives you these signs and leaves it up to you to chose to either listen or ignore them."

"So does she expect him to forget about her betrayal?" Luke's voice echoed faintly in her head.

The young woman grimaced as she thought about the events that took place on Dagobah.

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