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" I believed I could save her and trust me I did everything in my power

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" I believed I could save her and trust me I did everything in my power. I blamed myself for her death until finally I came to terms and accepted that I didn't have control. It was the Force"

Luke invited Alora's father for dinner. he appreciated Luke's kind gesture. Generosity was uncommon in the galaxy. 

Leia insisted Silas be guest of honor, so he sat at the head of the small table. For once in the longest time he felt worth.

Fresh steam billowed from the hot meat which carried off an aroma that had Silas' mouth watering and stomach growling. 

Endor's finest delicacy. Smoked deer.

Once their plates were fixed, Leia began to muster up a small conversation. 

"So" she said, poking at her food "How do you know Alora?"

Luke hadn't quite explained to her their relations yet. He left the subject up to Silas to share.

From across the table, the two men glanced at each other for a split moment as if waiting for the other to speak.

Silas took his cup and drank before deciding to answer "I am her father" 

Leia remained unsurprised by the fact. Like her brother, she could sense a certain connection, even with Alora not there.

"I see" she expressed her deepest condolences "I'm terribly sorry for your loss"

The older man let out a sigh but not because he was bothered by her sincerity. He was more angry at himself allowing what happened happen.

And Luke could feel that anger grow into rage. In a way he felt he could relate yet at the same time due to their connection he couldn't.


After dinner Luke took Silas on a relaxing stroll in the garden. He hoped the older man would open up to him about his pain so he could try to help find closure.

"There's something you're holding in" The Jedi remarked softly.

Silas released a long breath that he'd been keeping in since stepping into the garden. "There's lots of things I'm holding in" he admitted. 

They came to a stop before a bench and together they sat. 

"What things?" The younger man pressed on. 

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