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"A close friend of Alora's I assume?"

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"A close friend of Alora's I assume?"

5 years before...

Kadon Hux's POV

Two long weeks passed with no sign of a beginning to Hux's mission.

Gideon ordered a Galaxy wide search for Alora however his efforts so far were unsuccessful. She'd gone off radar along with Luke Skywalker shortly after the Empire's defeat on Endor.

Then one day Gideon received word from his spies on Daiyu that Alora was spotted in the city.

The news extinguished Hux's worries. It brought some relief at the thought of Alora being alive.

Finally he was able to start his long awaited mission.

Gideon sent him off onto Daiyu in time to catch her engaging in small talk with a Mandalorian.

As they talked away from the man's ship, Kadon snuck behind them to place a tracker under the craft.

But Alora's sweet voice stole his attention for a brief second and he couldn't help but glance at her.

"Do you not think I can be a bounty hunter, then?" She challenged the man with a quirked brow.

A ghost of a smile grew on Kadon's face. Even while she wore that repulsive rebel jumpsuit, Alora stood tall and strong. She still had that fire in her. The same fire that enamored him with inspiration for many years.

That was the sister he knew, standing there alive and well, talking with attitude.

The possibility of her being manipulated into joining Luke was totally ludicrous. Gideon was wrong. He swore to prove it eventually.

The Mandalorian spoke abruptly, interrupting his thoughts "Look, I don't have the time for this but I'll take you to Tatooine if you'd like and you can find some other bounty hunters to bother." His exasperated tone made Kadon a bit upset.

Regardless if Alora could handle him, Hux didn't like the way he was talking to her. His jaw clenched as he watched Alora clasp her saber onto her belt in a nonchalant way.

She swiftly strode past the Mandalorian and headed for his ship "That will be fine." firmly she nodded

Realizing her fast approach, Kadon quickly sprinted towards some cargo boxes and ducked out of view.

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