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"I'm a sith, they can't persuade me the way they can you

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"I'm a sith, they can't persuade me the way they can you. Only the weak minded can fall into their lies."

Flipping into the air, the young girl made a clean landing, her saber raised at her ready as Master Vader ordered three trooper's to fire their blasters at her.

Alora dodged each shot and blocked them, diverting the laser bullets back towards them with her saber. The three of them dropped one by one.

She stood above them, the buzzing staff lightening up her dark face with a crimson glow.

Vader strode into the training room and made a sound of approval. "Very good, young apprentice. I have taught you well."


Alora awoke from her dream, to a familiar face peering over her and she actually smiled.


She sat up quickly as he took a seat beside her on the bed.

"What are you doing here?" He asked while he fixed his white crinkled shirt

His sister pushed her red locks off shoulders and smirked. "Don't think I wanted to see your stupid face."

Kadon scolded her. "Alora."

She punched his arm in a playful manner before explaining to him the whole mission Vader had sent her on.

"I'm not sure exactly what Vader wants me to do here but that's pretty much the plan." She finished as she got up and stretched her tired arms.

The general nodded. "How long have you been here?" he asked.

"About a few weeks." She answered with a nauseated expression.

He let out a soft chuckle but then grimaced. "I've been reported back."

Caught off guard by his sudden news she turned, frowning "Why's that?"

Hux shrugged, he didn't quite understand the reason himself. "Don't know but I'm guessing they're using you to replace me."

His guess was as good as hers but it wasn't too far fetched. Maybe it was because Vader felt Alora would be more of use than Hux. She was the one with special abilities that she could use to their advantage after all. Hux was as powerful as a womp rat. There really wasn't anything Hux could do except for getting some insider information by spying but if he was caught, then what? Alora was the best option they had.

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