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"The suns here are quite mesmerizing, I must admit

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"The suns here are quite mesmerizing, I must admit."

Morning dawned over the faded pink glowing skyline.

As gorgeous as the binary sunrise was on Tatooine, Alora new this meant another long day in searching for the R2 unit which was carrying Lord Vader's stolen Death Star plans.

She was placed on Tatooine to help corner the R2 unit before it could reached what Vader feared it would.

No one knew exactly what the R2 unit was doing with the plans but what they did know was that it was definitely assisting in destroying all their work in creating the weapon.

And if the Death Star was destroyed—without those plans the Empire would have to start all over again only without Galen Erso who was the master mind behind it. This time it would be almost impossible remaking the Star.

This is why it was important the Empire capture the R2 Unit before it was too late.

The Empire placed spies everywhere close to where the rebel ship had escaped to. There was spies far in the outer rim even.

Alora was one of those spies, of course.

The only thing was there was nothing on Tatooine. She could not sense anything remotely related to the R2 Unit around the planet.

It had been a long boring week for Alora. The most action she had seen on the sweltering hot planet was the sandstorms that happened almost on a daily basis. Other than that Tatooine was a pretty dull planet.

It did have the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets in the whole galaxy but that was basically all the planet had to offer in sense of beauty.

After pinning on her blonde hairpiece and slipping on her brown tight trousers, brown sand boots and her tight ruffled edged shirt, she quickly grabbed her small blaster and stuffed it into the holster wrapped around her thigh.

She was ready.

Mos Eisley was her last village on Tatooine to search.

She had already gone through the city part the day before. Today she was now to go out of the city limits, towards the farms and the sand people. Her final area to cover.

Outside of the inn, Alora hopped onto her used speeder she had purchased her first day on Tatooine. For its condition it was working exceptionally well.

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