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"Your thoughts betray you, father"

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"Your thoughts betray you, father"

"Alora, no!"

Gasping for air, the woman sat up—sweat beading down her face as she took in her surroundings.

Her nightmares were recurring now. Every time she dreamt them, it was always the same scene but they got more and more real.

It wasn't until she met Luke Skywalker they returned. For years she was in control as her master had taught her—now she lost it.

Alora watched the remaining rebels anxiously scramble around as she stepped out into the hall.

"We need to send in reinforcements!" One Rebel cried while he sprinted towards the docking bay.

"On it!" Shouted another from across the hall.

He had a small group running with him to the control room.

The crew dismissed Alora, all—but one; oblivious to her true identity. To them she was nothing but a damsel in distress under their protection. Little did they know...

If she had to be honest she felt trapped. Not being able to do anything at all, just wander around and look cute for Skywalker till his time would come.

With a bored sigh, Alora glanced out the big window and took in the war taking place. The half built Death Star lurked in the shadows amidst the fight , she smirked.

There was a sudden tug in her stomach which reminded her of the future and her smirk fell.

The Empire would fall and as prophesied Anakin Skywalker would be the reason.

"For now I want you to continue earning Skywalker's trust and when the time comes, you'll know."


Meanwhile on Endor, after General Hux and his men finished searching their area, they returned to the base.

It was morning by the time they got there. Kadon's troopers were tired so they went to their bunks and rested—but Kadon couldn't sleep. Something wasn't right.

He walked deep into the forest till he found a tree to lean on. With his blaster in hand, he stared into the calm.

It was too peaceful.

His gut tightened.

A sudden shout came from his comlink, causing him to jump.

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