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"The fate of the Empire relies solely on you, Kadon Hux

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"The fate of the Empire relies solely on you, Kadon Hux."

Kadon was staring down the barrel of a pistoled blaster aimed between his sunken eyes.

He had just woken up from what felt like an eternal sleep and the top of his head was pounding.

"Get up Imp!"

The man didn't have to ask twice for him to spring up with raised his hands in surrender.

"Check him!" A rebel commander ordered from behind.

Hux's vision contorted with the sun's bright rays, which caused the bump on his head to pulse.

He held back a groan as the man stepped forward and began to pat him down.

"He's clean, sir!"

The commander came into view, tossing a thick rope to his soldier. "Restrain him."

"Yes, sir."

Obediently, the rebel wrapped the rope around the officer's wrists, tying it in the tightest knot possible.

The fibers were digging deep into Kadon's skin, he could feel it breaking and he winced.

"An Imperial General" His nose twitched as he looked down at him in disgust. "scum." he spat.

"Put him with the other prisoners!"

"Yes, sir!"

As the rebel soldier grabbed ahold of his arm, Kadon's gaze lingered on the commander, pure hatred in his eyes as he was pulled away.

He was brought to a familiar base that used to be operated by the Empire until they lost of course.

Now the Rebels were using it to ship off their Imperial prisoners.

It wasn't long for another transport to arrive, when it did Kadon was stuffed inside with the others, like a can of burra fish.

On the short trip, the General took the time to observe the crowded men.

A few of the men, he discovered, were his.

He frowned in disappointment as he began thinking that if only his troops  listened to his orders they'd be in a much different situation.

At first they had the upper hand but the troopers caved when the Ewoks attacks—he wanted to scream at them for being such cowards.

Once landed on a Rebel cruiser, the prisoners were herded out and met with yelling.

"Alright bucket heads!" A man shouted. "Get into three groups! Pilots! Officers! And troopers!"

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