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"Let her go and regret, you will

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"Let her go and regret, you will."


The sands of Savareen reminded Luke of Tatooine's sands but the humid sea breeze contrasted from the hot terrain of his desolate home planet.

Savareen also had a more darker history than Tatooine.

The two were a few miles inland when they reached a seemingly empty tribal village.

Alora noticed a dwindling fire at the center, it's ashes gracefully whipped in the breeze, scattering onto the earth.

Beside her, Luke stood examining the village for any potential danger.

He heard a sudden movement from one of the huts followed by approaching footsteps. He lifted his head and met the eyes of a harmless old man.

With hands folded he bowed to the young Jedi "Welcome." He greeted.

Luke softly smiled. "Thank you-"

"Challi." he introduced "and you are?"

"Luke Skywalker."

Upon his introduction, a few villagers rushed out in visible awe.

A little girl reached at his cloak and tugged "Like in the stories?"

Luke's smile grew as he lowered his tender gaze to her. "Like in the stories." He humbly replied.

More excited villagers slipped from hiding and joined the others.

Suddenly they broke out into a joyous tribal chant, catching the two completely off guard.

The old man raised his hand and the chanting faded. Skywalker figured he was the village's leader.

Alora utterly shocked by how the whole village reacted to his presence.

It astonished her that Luke's legendary story was known that far across the Galaxy. That even underdeveloped planets in these forgotten sectors had heard of him.

"And you?"

Sense Luke was the main attraction. Alora didn't expect to be acknowledged. She believed he was referring to someone else.

There wasn't anything special about her anyways except the fact she accompanied Skywalker but it wasn't enough.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a slight nudge to her arm.

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