> Ch.11<

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"Hate to tell you, sweetheart but I think for whatever reason, you've been lied to

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"Hate to tell you, sweetheart but I think for whatever reason, you've been lied to."

A pair of brown eyes were fixed deep into the innocent woman's subtle guise. The evidence of whom he met was erased out of existence and replaced by this oblivious young woman who fooled all but one, Lando.

With his squinted eyes, the older man brought his hand to his chin and he rubbed it. "Funny."

Licking her lips Alora shifted her gaze from the the sparkling lights on the board at her side; to look at the tutting man.

"Sorry?" Clueless she questioned.

She knew it was too risky for her to break character.

Chewbacca copiloted beside the former smuggler who kept side glancing to her while he flew the ship, Leia was busy with Luke down the hall and the two droids; C-3PO and R2 conjugated at the table bickering at one another.

Moments earlier they had just been chased out of Bespin by the Imperial fleet, without their light speed at their advantage. It was a miracle they had gotten away with minor holes in the ship.

Lando gave Alora a knowing look as he sat up in his seat; pulling down the lever to autopilot as he did and answered "Nothing."

The young woman bit her bottom lip softly and looked away, avoiding his gaze.

Vader hadn't known Alora and Lando met earlier that day on the destroyer. And neither of them though that Lando would be there on the Falcon assisting Han's little gang. Alora thought the plan was set in place. He was supposed to stay behind while Boba took Han to Jabba, in exchange for bounty credits. His presence on the ship was not what she expected. It now threatened her mission.

"Hey Chewie"

The wookie turned to Lando and gurgled a low growl in response.

"Mind checking up on Liea and Luke?" He politely asked of him.

Chewbacca let out a slight chup in reply as he got up to do so, leaving the two alone in the pit causing the tension between them to grow. The feeling made Alora feel heavier.

"I can tell them, you know."

Her eyes darted to his. There was a daunting look on the man's face and it intimidated her.

But she hid it with a raised brow and a smile that seemed to challenge him. "I know you won't"

Lando let out an amused snicker like she was joking with him. "You do? Are you sure about that darling?"

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