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"No mentor, you betrayed me!"

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"No mentor, you betrayed me!"

Leia's voice interrupted the sweet silence "We've got Gideon, he's been detained on the detention floor"

Luke looked to Alora who's eyes were clouded. He could sense a familiar darkness come alive inside her.

Without warning the woman abruptly turned and stormed out.

She was headed straight to the detention floor for the answers she'd been denied as a youngling.

Luke knew Alora wouldn't react well to the truth, so with haste he placed Grogu's food down and paced on after her.


"Alora my dear." Gideon sang as Alora barraged in.

She came to a halt at his cell and glowered down at the cuffed man who had taken everything from her.

Looking him in his eyes, Alora saw no sign of remorse. Only an emotionless abyss that made her want to cry.

"You lied to me!" Her voice rose as a flood of pain wracked up her throat. "You told me my mother abandoned me!"

Gideon let out a hysterical snort. He didn't care about her feelings. He never did and for some obvious reason it hurt Alora—it hurt her a lot.

"Children are so easy to deceive."

His careless words angered her and her pain turned to rage.

"Did you even care about me?!" She shouted."Or was that all an act?"

An entertaining smirk grew on the man's face. "What do you think?"

Alora stood there speechless by the same man she once saw as a father figure.

It was all a blatant lie and it made her feel so foolish that all her life she believed him.

"Why?" She whispered, broken, a tear rolling down her cheek.

Gideon smiled wickedly at the torn woman on the other side of the glass.

"Power" He answered. "I needed to use you to make my up the ranks-" he paused, taking a seat on the white block behind him. "The rumored daughter of Lana Pillsul"

But Alora didn't understand. She stared at him, clueless to what he was saying.

"Because of your mother and her scandalous past, finding you was worth alot to Vader."

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