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"Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose

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"Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose."

Vader stood at the large window staring off into space, his mind full of many thoughts for him to comprehend.

His thoughts consisted mainly of the safety of his son, his late wife Padamè and past choices and mistakes he made that had led him to where he was now.

' "Learn to know the dark side of the force and you will be able to save your wife from certain death." '

Fear drove him to insanity. His insanity drove him to make choices out of impulse. Putting his trust into the dark side did nothing for him but make him a slave. All he wanted was to save the people he loved but out of that desperate attempt he ended up losing them all.

' "Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose." '

Under his hard mask, Anakin had tears rolling down his face.

Anakin was trapped inside this shell of Darth Vader. It was a living hell.

He resented himself for falling to the dark side but there was nothing more he could do.

On Mustafar years ago, he made his final decision, now he had to live with it.

' "Where's Padamé? Is she alright?"

"It seems, in your anger you killed her."'

The screams of his sweet Padamé echoed in his ears.

Those visions were placed in his mind as bait. He was foolish for taking it.

Luke Skywalker, his son who he'd recently discovered was all that he had left.

The Emperor was desperate to get his hands on him and his powerful connection with the force.

His hunger for Luke's power made Anakin adamant in protecting him, and so he proceeded with this plan of his which he kept secret for many years.

Only the people he trusted the most knew part of his plan. His apprentice, Alora Ohnaka and the cunning young General, Kadon whom he had adopted as his own.

Anakin had hoped that his son would join him and together with their powers connected in the force, they'd both destroy the Emperor.

He accepted it would take time and he was willing to wait but only for a certain amount.

Palpatine was already suspicious with Vader's sudden shift.

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