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"If I had known I was to be pretending to be a Rebel beforehand, I would have read a book on how to act like one "

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"If I had known I was to be pretending to be a Rebel beforehand, I would have read a book on how to act like one "

Inside the Rebel base it was quite cozy which was funny considering the ice inside the base but it was nothing like how freezing it was outside the air locked doors.

The eerie sound of the wind howling against the metal sent shivers down Kadon's spine.

By the sounds of it, it was the worst storm yet on the ice planet.

Kadon began to worry for his sister but he didn't want it to interfere with his mission. He did his best to ignore it.

After all he was too busy listening in on the news of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo being lost in the same storm and their probability of survival.

According to the rumors their survival was 725 out of 1.

Not worrying at all.

Alora's survival remained at the back of Kadon's mind no matter how hard he tried to not think of her.

Over the night Kadon twisted and turned in a cot given to him by the rebels, he was sharing the cave room with.

He dreamt of Alora and her lifeless body laying in the snow.

He awoke several times that night from the same nightmare over and over again.

Maybe he did really care for his adopted sister.


The general was awakened by sudden shove.

Immediately he opened his eyes and was ready to swing until he instantly remembered where he was.

Calming himself,  he glared at the man with his tired eyes.

"Solo and Skywalker have been found. Luke has been taken to med bay and Solo is possibly leaving."

Kadon ran his hand through his dark locks and put on a fake smile. "That's great!"

The man tilted his head as he gave him a puzzling look but he then just shrugged. "We're to meet at the hangar for a briefing in 5. Your gonna be late."

Hux was then scrambling up out of the cot. He didn't realize he'd been asleep that long. So much information he had missed. Vader would be disappointed in him.

' What he doesn't know won't kill him.' He tried to ease himself.

"Meet you there." The man nodded before leaving.

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