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"Bury your feeling deep down Luke

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"Bury your feeling deep down Luke. They do you credit, but they could be made to serve the emperor."

It was another unproductive day aboard the Rebel flag cruiser.

Alora hadn't gotten any word from Skywalker nor any of the Rebels who scurried around the ship. There was only rumors going around the ship that Luke had failed the rescue.

As she stayed inside her room staring up at the the ceiling above her, her mind filled with many questions.

One important one she constantly wondered was why no one was sent down to Tatooine as reinforcements.

There were strict orders for them all to remain on board which she understood but what if he did fail? What plans did they have then?

Without Luke there was no point of her staying and it scared her because she knew Vader wouldn't take it very nicely.

Alora raised the comlink resting in her hand and she stared at it with high hopes she'd hear Skywalker's voice at least once but then the seconds turned to minutes and nothing.

Sighing, she set the device beside her and turned to her side letting herself drift into a deep meditative sleep.

It wasn't long for her to dream of her childhood.

"I don't have a father either." A small Hux replied with a saddened expression.

Alora and Kadon were no older than 6.

Being the only kids on the star destroyer was misery so When they met they instantly clicked and became best friends from then on.

The young girl then smiled. "Do you wanna be friends?"

Playing with his dark curls the shy boy gave a slow nodded. "I guess."

The girl excitedly clapped her hands "You're my very first frie-"

"Alora!" Gideon called from the door, his arms were crossed and he had a disappointed look on his face. "Remember what Lord Vader said about distractions!"

Alora sighed as she walked up to her mentor with hunched shoulders.

All she ever wanted was a friend.

These long hours of training, little breaks were exhausting for her. She didn't feel like a child considering she was one. What was so wrong with her wanting to play from time to time?

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