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"You are no longer a prisoner"

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"You are no longer a prisoner"

Alora couldn't shake the sense of impeding doom looming over her.

It was evident that Luke felt it as well but he kept discreet for her protection.

And though she appreciated his protection, there was something pulling her to begin an investigation of her own,

After doing a quick search of the store, she snuck out the front door and hurried towards the Main Street.

Her feet knew exactly where to go—it made her wonder if she'd been put under some trance.

But she was left confused when reaching a solid wall in another dark alley.

Dead end

A sigh left her mouth as she stood, staring at the colorless bricks, clueless.


Her breath hitched from the sudden whisper.

That voice...she'd know it anywhere.

'But that's impossible'

Slowly, the woman turned her body to see who it belonged to.

The second her eyes met the soft emerald gaze she grieved, her jaw about dropped but she didn't allow it.

Once gathering the courage to speak, she had to confirm.


Tears trickled down the man's reddened cheek.

Alora needed too make sure that it wasn't a dream. She needed concrete evidence.

Her hand came up and cupped his face. Under her fingertips she took the realness of his scarred damp skin.

He was alive.

Seeing Alora up close after years of watching her from afar overwhelmed Kadon.

There was so many emotions, he could no longer keep himself under control.

With a strong pull of her wrist, he embraced his sister into the tightest hug.

Alora's face pressed into the crook of his neck. She took in all she could of him in case this moment was a dream.

"You're alive." Her arms flung around his waist, pulling him closer "How?"

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