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"But then like always you find your way back into my life making me fall in love with you all over again!"

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"But then like always you find your way back into my life making me fall in love with you all over again!"

Alora walked out of the Cantina with Cara beside her. Both of them held tightly onto their special beer laughing out of pure intoxication.

"Another success." Cara chuckled, raising her glass.

Alora clinked her drink with Cara's and chugged the very last drops.

"Let me walk you to your room." The older woman suggested as she grabbed onto her arm.

They stumbled towards their hotel narrowly missing a few innocent bystanders who struggled to pass them.

Up the stair they went, tripping and giggling at each step.

As Cara opened Alora's door she noticed it was unlocked. Shoving the young woman behind her, she withdrew her blaster at a hooded figure standing inside.

Alora lost balance and collapsed against the wall she was shoved into.

Bewildered by what was happening she sat up, trying to focus through her blurred vision to what was going on.

The figure cautiously turned as their hands rose to the edges of their hood, drawing it back.

"LUKE?!" Alora exclaimed, startling her friend.

Still intoxicated, Cara pulled the trigger by accident, releasing a red spurt of light.

Luke moved to the side as it buzzed past him and into the wall where it seared the wood.

Now fully sober, she dropped her blaster and gasped at the sight of the man. She recognized him. He was the Jedi that came to their aid on the imperial ship they seized.

Alone, he effortlessly destroyed all the death troopers on board that risked their survival.

"Oh griff!"

She anxiously stepped back. "I-I'm sorry!"

Luke remained calm, smiling softly at her. "Its alright."

Cara had a hard time swallowing. She was nervous after realizing she shot at the man who saved them.

Meanwhile, Alora was still on the floor, struggling to get on her feet

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