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"You abandoned your people, Alora

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"You abandoned your people, Alora."

5 Years later....

With the blaster pressed to the man's head, he was brought to his knees in surrender.

"Do you give up now?"

A look of defiance remained on his face though his body was visibly shaking.

At the sight of her bounty caving in to her, Alora couldn't help but smile pleasingly to herself.

It didn't take long for him to give up his front and beg her for mercy.

"Please, I haven't done anything since the war!"

She cocked a brow "What did you think would happen?"

His eyes then met hers and they widened in realization.

"I recognize you." He gasped.

Alora frowned "Excuse me?"

"Vader's apprentice!" He exclaimed. "I was in charge of your files!"

His watered eyes darkened and he began to cackle. "Apprentice!"

Fear filled within Alora at thought of her being sought out as a traitor—her finger tensed on the trigger—the man was to be kept alive but he could've been detrimental to her cover.

"You've gone mad."

"Have I?" He snickered "Or have you?"

Before she could respond he interjected.

"You abandoned your people, Alora."

She thickly swallowed as she thought back to her last conversation with Gideon, her mentor. Her heart ached but she did her best to ignore it.

This job—this whole new life of hers was far more important than her allegiance to the doomed Empire and her loyalty to the dark side. It wasn't who she was anymore—though every now and then the darkness tried seducing her back.

However, Hux' death made her feel somewhat responsible. The fact she didn't take up Gideon's offer to get picked up and went on only to fail Palpatine's mission...she had no choice but to abandon them. Not to mention after getting to know Luke and him sparing her life after she attempted to murder him, that's when she began to question the Empire.

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