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"Gideon would be proud"

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"Gideon would be proud"

Kadon's POV

Hux made his way out of the crowded spaceport and onto the gravel streets of Nevarro.

"Cara." He greeted as he stepped inside the Marshals office.

Dune sat up in her seat when seeing the man she met years ago approach her desk.

She smirked "What can I do for you, Mr. Anonymous?"

"I've heard Alora returned to Nevarro." He made sure not to sound too desperate.

Cara tilted her head at the mention of the woman he begged her years ago to take in and make a bounty hunter.

Her memory of him served her well.

She remembered trying to get his name but he asked to be anonymous. Ever since she never saw nor heard from him again.

At the time, Dune thought him Alora's secret admirer but by the current odd look in his eyes there was something far more sinister hidden.

After her long history of mercenary work she learned a thing or two in trusting her instincts when it came to reading people.

"She left." She answered bluntly.

"On a mission?" Kadon pressed in question.

Her surveying eyes remained on his pale face as she spoke.

"You know I can't disclose missions."

Kadon was about to ask another question but Cara was quick at speaking first.

"Why now after almost six years?"

The former General hadn't rehearsed any lines for this type of situation. In a matter of fact, he hadn't rehearsed any lines in general. Usually he'd wing it and most the time it worked.

However, It seemed all the tables turned for once and he was about to be interrogated on spot.

He should've known not to underestimate a rebel turned mercenary. She clearly wasn't as stupid as the other rebels and he knew it from the start.

Hux grew increasingly worried about the potential risk of being sought out while on a planet controlled by the Guild. If caught he'd be Kidnapped or killed even for the price the Republic put on his head.

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