I hope your feing guilty

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Nirvana's POV

I got up and had a quick shower and changed into my high rise black cotton jeans my pink high top converse and my Victoria secret top that says 'who needs a boyfriend' and tucked it in loosely into my jeans and done basic make up and dried my hair so it was naturally curly and loosely tied it into a ponytail on the side so some pieces were hanging out the front.

I had just got the little bag of clothing I had all pack up and in my bag I went back to say good bye to Jacob and went back to my car and headed home when I got there I put the code in for the gate and drove up and parked the car I got out and saw the girls cars and the guys too

"Just great everyone is here" I mumbled to myself getting my bag I locked my car and went up the stairs and got inside dropped my stuff by the door put my phone in my back pocket and headed towards the kitchen were all the noise was coming from I went in and hugged Luke from behind he lifted his arm and pulled me into his side and hugged my waist he kissed my forehead everyone was looking at me

"What? stop staring I don't like it" I said hiding in Luke chest

"look Nirvana wer--" I cut beau off by blocking my ears closing my eyes and singing lalalalala over and over i felt like being an annoying childish bitch to them it going to be fun I stopped and smirked

"Nirvana can yo--" Yasmin started

"Talk to the hand coz the face not listening" I said sassily putting my hand up and playing with my nails on my other hand.

This went on for the whole day the only person I talked to was Luke well I did a bit I still a little pissed at him to.

__________NEXT DAY__________

I thought I had tortured them enough so this morning I said they can talk the girls apologised for not trying harder to put the boys right and the boy apologised too for not talking to me about it and being horrible to me the girls I've fully forgiven because we live together and one of them is my twin the boys I've have partly forgiven them and Luke has a lot of sucking up to do if he wants us as a couple to work I know I said I forgave him but not fully me seeing him kiss another girl broke my heart and it gunna take a bit to heal it back to before but I hope he's willing to try because if he really loves me like he says he does then he can wait and try to get us back to before.

"Babe were are you!" Luke shouted

"In my room!" I shouted he came through and closed the door behind him

"What are you doing" he asked lying on his stomach neck to me

"I'm just about finished the video for the channel on YouTube" I said concentrating on my laptop then it suddenly closed

"Luke! What the actual fuck" I basically shouted him

"I want to take you on a holiday just me and you what do you say" he asked looking me in the eyes

"I- I-ah say"

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