Baby Shopping time

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Nirvana's POV

Me and Luke where at the mall walking through to the baby store we finally got to the shop we went to the cots first

"I like this one" Luke said pointing to a dark wood one

"No I don't how.......about this white and pink one and then get the whit and blue one" I said pointing to them

"Yeah actually there nice I'll go get one of the big trolleys at the front" he said walking to get a trolley I walked over to the draws in the next Isle Luke came round with the stuff

"I want the yellow and white draws two sets and the yellow and white wardrobe" I said pointing to them

"Oh oh and two of those white shelves for there books and stuff" I said getting a tiny bit excited Luke laughed at me and got everything he said he'll go pay for it and get it keep around back for us to pick up in the car I went to the front and got a small trolley that's for normal stuff I went and got bottles, dummy's, bibs, cloths and other little essentials like, I went to the other Isle were there were other things I needed for there cots I grabbed a couple sets of pink and a couple sets of blue bed sheets I got a pink teddy bear and also a blue one a little pink unicorn and a little blue dinosaur I also got two mattresses for the cots I grabbed a couple of the baby wraps

"What Cha got" Luke said coming up behind me I jump I turned to him and hit his arm

"You scared me" I whined he kissed my lips

"Sorry" he chuckled

"So what else do we need" he said holding the trolley with me In between him and the trolley

"Umm clothing for them like and we also need a nappy bag, nappies and two baby carriers the ones we put in the car and can carry them in because the won't let us take them home if the can't get back home safely and umm I feel like I'm forgetting something important ah that's right a twin pram" I said really fast he just laughed at me

We went around the clothes and got them a few things and we also stacked two black baby carriers on top Luke grabbed the last black twin pram it can be moved in different ways they can be next to each other face each other face towards people or face us it's perfect I glad we done this shop but we did spend quite a bit which is bad and good.

'Can't wait to have everything together and in the room'

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