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Nirvana's POV

We're at the hospital me and Luke we have the twins with us

"Hello I'm the children's cancer doctor my name is Ross" he said

"I'm Nivana-Rose this is Luke and this is Eve And Ezra" I said

"Nice to meet you now we had done some scans yesterday to see how bad the tumour was and there are five stages to this cancer and Ezra is at stage four" Ross said I looked at Luke and grabbed his hand

"So for treatment it will start with surgery then we will do radiation therapy the entire abdomen will be treated if there is some left after surgery and in some cases the cancer spreads to the lungs now when these two treatments have been done we will start chemo therapy usally with these three drugs actinomycin D, vincristine and doxorubicin this will be for about six months if he his tumour cells have certain chromosome charges then we will the drugs cyclophosphamide and etoposide" he said explaining to us what's happening

"Now your daughter we will check her soon so we can see if there is anything I'll also book the soonest surgery we can get for Ezra" he said we shook hands

"Thank you" Luke said

__________NEXT WEEK__________

We're at the hospital for Ezra he's in the hospital bed waiting, everyone knows about our situation now and they have been supportive Eve hasn't been tested yet but for some reason I have a feeling that she has something to

"Van it's gunna be fine" Luke said hugging me and Eve

"I know" I said

"It's just he's only going to be two months in a week" I said he nodded and kissed my forehead

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