Ariella shows her talent

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Ariella's POV

Ok here it goes my turn I walked on stage trying to look confident but really on the inside I was shitting myself

"Hey everyone I'm Ariella Gonzales and I'm singing an original song called kissing you and I hope you enjoy" I told the audience in the microphone I took a deep breath and started to sing

Once I finished I seen everyone clapping and cheering I must of done good wow that's a big relief I said thank you and went down to everyone else said good luck to Winter and everyone said I was awesome up there that's a great thing to hear I always thought I wasn't that much of a good singer but having that kind of reaction Is great

"Nirvana how did I do with the song you wrote" I asked her but whispering so no one will hear I don't know why she doesn't want anyone to know about her songwriting but oh well it's her choice so I'll respect that

"You done really well" she said smiling

"Let's sit down and wait for my sister to come on" she said clapping and doing a little jump I laughed at her and we went and sat down waiting for Winter to come on


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