Chapter Three

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Chapter Three: Skip Meeting Yasmin

Nirvana's POV
When I had woke up the girls were down stairs and in the kitchen eating

"Hello bitches" I said loudly

"Hello" "hey slut" "hey" "hi cunt"
They all replied ok now how nice that being greeted as a cunt I don't care about the slut because it's a joke that what all the girls call me which I can not remember how that started
I was knocked out of my thoughts with someone talking to me

"Umm Nirvana who's jumper was left in the lounge?" Yasmin asked me

"Is it a guys jumper?" I asked

"Yeh" Yasmin answered

"Nirvana do you have a secret boyfriend?" Elizabeth asked wiggling her eyebrows at me I gave her a nudge

"No! I think it's Skips jumper and I wouldn't keep my boyfriend secret from you guys" I answered

"Who's Skip?" Ariella asked with a confused face

"An old friend from Australia he's really cool I had not seen him in two years as well as the other four"

"Wo wo wo shut the front door Skip as in Daniel Sahyounie" Winter asked

"Yes, don't you have a thing for Jai?!" I asked raising my eyebrows at her

"Maybe" she whispered embarrassed, then the door bell rang as I was going to ask her more, dang saved by the bell I wanted to get more out of her than maybe oh well I'll get it out of her soon

"I'll get it" Yasmin called as she walked to the door

Yasmin's POV
"I'll get it" I called as I walked to the door

As I got to the door I realised I was in short pyjama shorts and a singlet that is quite low down and my make up all basic also my hair in a messy bun Oh Well I'm only answering the door when I opened the door I saw a few boys standing there with there backs to me

"Hello?" I asked, when they all turned around they just stared at me which made me feel a little uncomfortable

"Ah hi I'm Daniel but you can call me Skip I left-" I cut him off

"Your jumper yeh Nirvana told me" I said to the boy apparently named Daniel well Skip

"Oh my god sorry I'm Yasmin but you can call me Yas or Yassy and come in" I said as I opened the door wider for them all to come in

"Oh um follow me were all in the kitchen and sorry we are all in our pyjamas" I said in embarrassment

"It's ok" a boy with bright green eyes answered

"Girls!! I found five boys at our door!" I shouted


After we all got to know each other we agreed we should hang out together more often and I got to say that Skip guy he was kind of cute well hot.

Skips POV
When I realised I had left my jumper at Nirvana's all us boys decided to go together once we got to her house I push the door bell and I heard someone shout 'I'll get it' and it did not sound like Nirvana as we were standing there someone from behind us said

"Hello" that wasn't Nivana's voice I turned to see this girl with grey eyes and medium brown hair WOW was all I could say come on Skip say something!

"Ah hi I'm Daniel but you can call me Skip I left-" then she cut me off

"Your jumper yeah Nirvana told me" she said

"Oh my god sorry I'm Yasmin but you can call me Yas or Yassy and come in" Yasmin said so the mystery girl is named Yasmin pretty name, she opened the door wider for us all to come once she closed the she led us to where we were meant to go

"Oh um follow me were all in the kitchen and sorry we are all in our pyjamas" Yasmin said embarrassed

"It's ok" Beau said

All I could think was she's so hot I shook my head to stop anymore thoughts I mean we only just met I need to get to know her before I start liking her right?

"Girls!! I found five boys at our door" Yasmin shouted to Nirvana and I think her twin Winter she changed to a lot too and also there was two other girls there, once Nirvana introduced us to the other girls we all talked and got to know each other they are all really nice and funny they also don't care what people think of them they just be themselves which I think is good I hope we hang out more.

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