Holy shit i am

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Nirvana POV

Right now I'm taking Ariella down to the doctors we made an excuse to the other girls that we had a spa day booked for us and they believed it but they did get a little angry over how only us two are going in present time were on our way to the hospital to get her checked properly to make sure those test weren't faulty last night Ariella stayed in my room with me and I don't think James or Luke were happy but they sucked it up and sleep In the same bed but very far from each other and pillows In The middle that didn't want anything happening in the middle of the night. We got outside the hospital and headed where we are meant to go we got told to sit down and wait for her name to be called

"Ariella Gonzalez" a woman said

We walked up and she told us the follow her we got to a room and sat down

"Hi I'm Doctor.Grey" she said

"I'm Ariella" Ariella said

"And I'm Nirvana" I said smiling

"Nice to meet you now what seems to be the problem?" Dr.Grey asked

"Well I-i t-think i Could be umm pregnant" Ariella said stuttering a little

"Ok well take this go to the bathroom and do a urine sample we'll test it and give you the results after" Dr.Grey said passing something over to Ariella to do her sample she went off done it and came back we waited in the room for Dr.Grey to come back we heard the doors and in she came

"We have your results Ariella" she said

"Yeah what is it?" Ariella asked

"Congratulations you are pregnant" Dr.Grey said

"Oh my god" Ariella said putting her Hands over her mouth

"I'm gunna be a mum" she said looking down at her stomach and holding it with her hands she looked at me and smiled

"Your happy?" I asked her

"Actually yes but bloody scared" she said Dr.Grey past me some stuff for Ariella and we booked a scan for tomorrow I think she's telling James tonight and she said she might tell Luke to because it's unfair for me to keep this secret from him but she won't tell anyone else till the scan goes well then she will say something

Ariella's POV

Me and Nirvana got back and I stopped her for a second

"Thank you for helping me nirvana and being there" I said to he she hugged me and said it was fine we walked in j went up to my room and put everything from the doctors on desk I waited for James to come up and see me Nirvana was telling him I needed to talk I was fiddling my fingers when he walked in and sat down and turned to him

"James I have to tell you something" I said looking in his eyes

"Ok go on" he said getting worried

"I-I'm pregnant with your baby" I said

"What your pregnant" he said I nodded he pulled me into a hug hugged

"Don't worry I'm not going anywhere" he whispered in my ear

"Thank you" I whispered back

"Who else knows?" He asked

"Nirvana and soon Luke will" I said

"Nirvana was the one I went to yesterday and she helped me and took me to the doctors today as well and umm I have a scan tomorrow at the hospital to check if everything thing is fine" I said the door opened and Nirvana and Luke walked in Luke walked up and hugged me

"I'll be here to help you too" he said as he pulled away

"Your gunna be a dad James first one to" Luke said giving James a handshake

"How do you know Luke he might not be the first" Nirvana said

"What? A-are y-you p-pregnant" Luke stuttered

"Nope" Nirvana said popping the 'p'

"When did I ever say that" she said sat on the computer desk chair I couldn't help but laugh a little

"But you just- actually doesn't matter" Luke said getting a little frustrated

That night us four just hung out in my room and talked but then it consist of me and James talking and Luke and Nirvana kissing

Nirvana's POV

I pulled away from Luke

"I'm going to bed now" I said getting up

"Night guys" I said they replied I was walking I felt someone grab my waist and pull me I was lightly pushed up against the wall

"I think we still have a lot to finish" Luke said In my ear and started kissing down my neck he found your spot you bit your lip trying to stop the moan coming out but

"Mmn" I moaned I felt like smirk against my neck he started sucking

"Luke" you said

He pulled away and smiled

"Now everyone knows your mine" he said


I ran into my room and looked In the mirror at there it was a red mark on my neck that little bitch

'I'm going to get him back'

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