Nirvana do you sing as well?

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Sorry I haven't updated In a while it's just been Christmas and drama happening lately as well I so hope you like this chapter I wrote for the story

Nirvana's POV

It's been a couple days since the girls have performed and right I'm lying in bed thinking how well they done, how much fun they had and how beautiful they sung the notes in the songs.

The past couple days have been slow we haven't really seen they boys because there busy recording and song and all of them are starting to wonder why I haven't sung and why the girls came up to me and quietly thanked me the girls said I have a beautiful voice and so does our manager but I just don't think I do and I can't get over the years where a lot of girls at my high school put me down and said all the usual things like how I'm 'fat' 'waste of space' 'you can't sing' 'your ugly' I may seem like a girl who doesn't give a shit but it did really hurt to here those things and more I never ever in high school told my sister winter or the boys and not even my other siblings or parents I just bottled it up because at the time I thought it was better to do that and I still think that now.

After going over things in my head I decided it's probably good to get up I went to my bathroom and had a shower and done the usual things in there and went to my closet with just a towel and choose some clothes (what's in the picture above) and went back to the bathroom to do some make up I put a bit of powder on my face and and done my eyes with some nice grey and light brown eye shadow and some mascara on my eyelashes this made my green eyes 'pop' and just added some lipgloss I decided that I'll straighten my curly hair which made it really long down my back once I had finished I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs and went to the kitchen to get a muesli bar jumped when someone wrapped there arms around my waist

Luke's POV

All us guys headed to the girls house when we got there I noticed that Nirvana wasn't there

"Where's Nirvana?" I asked as I sat down in the lounge

"I think she is still sleeping" Elizabeth answered

"When I checked on her I saw her sitting in her bed fiddling with her fingers and really deep in thought so I just left her" Ariella said

"Oh ok" I said said that Nirvana walked through the lounge and didn't even notice any of us or say hi which is not like her something is defiantly wrong

"That's weird she didn't even say hi or notice if we were here" James said basically reading my mind

"I'll go see her" I said getting up to the kitchen everyone said 'ok' quietly

I went in the kitchen and wrapped my arms around her waisted she did a little jump

"Hey babe" I said and kissed her shoulder a couple times she lent back back into me

"Hey Lukey" she said

"What's wrong?" I asked she turned around and faced me I lifted her on to the bench and stood between her legs and put my hands either side of her she took my beanie and put it on her head

"Nothing just thinking I guess" she said quietly and sighing as well

"Really that's all?" I asked her

She lent and gave me a kiss and hugged me I snuggled my head in the crook of her neck

"Yes that's all but I do want to show you and the others something" she said pulling away I lifted her off the bench she led me to the lounge

"Girls I'm ready to do it I think I have enough confidence" Nirvana said to the girls they all had giant smiles and me and the boy were confused as hell we went to the girl recording and music room in there house and Nirvana went in the booth

After a couple minutes she start sing and wow she had a voice of an angel went she hit high or complicated notes she would sometimes close her eyes she look so happy while singing.

When she finished she came through ever one was saying things to her she walk up to me and put her Arms around my neck

"So what do you think?" She asked me

"What do I think? you have and gorgeous voice I-i can't believe I didn't know about it, it was amazing" I said stumbling on my words a bit

After that we all spent the day playing with instruments and doing things with music if was a fun day we realised that all 10 of us have this one thing in common which is really cool.

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