Radiation therapy

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Nirvana's POV

Where in our own private room it has two cots either side and Ezra is laying in one of the beds with a tube in his nose and he's wearing a onesie he's going for radiation therapy he had surgery a few days ago to get the tumor and this radiation will kill cancer cells to stop it from coming back or spreading after that we're hoping that the cancer doesn't go to his lungs but he'll do chemo as well and then we just have to hope also were waiting to get Eve tested but there's been no signs of her having anything. The nurses walked in

"Where going to take him now" one said

"Um Luke you go I'll stay with Eve and be with her for testing" I said we both stood up I hugged him

"Ok if anything happens I'll tell you and you do the same" he said I nodded we pulled away and he kissed my forehead and walked out with Ezra I heard Eve started to cry I went and picked her up and rocked her her back and forth I was walking around the room I heard the door and I turned to see Jai

"Hey Jai"

"Hey Nirvana" he said smiling slightly I yawned set her on the bed to change her

"Would you like me to change her" Jai said I nodded

"Thanks" I said and sat down on the couch he was changing her then he stopped he looked at me

"Nirvana did she have this before" he asked I was confused

"What are you on about" I said walking over

"Oh my god" I said and covered my mouth, there was red spots over her skin

"No please no this" I stumbled on my words I looked at Jai he pulled me in for a hug while pressing the nurse button she came in they done a check up over her and took her for scans Jai went with her.


A little bit later I was woken up with them bringing Ezra back in the room Luke walked in and looked around the room he came over to me he picked me up and sat down and pulled me on his lap kissed my lips a couple times

"Where's Eve?" He asked

"Me and Jai found spots on her body and they took her for test Jai went with her I couldn't watch it happen" I said he face went all sad

"You don't think she'll have something" he asked

"I don't know I can't loose them both if it comes to that" I said starting to sniffle he pulled my face towards his and kissed me

"We will be fine ok" he whispered

"I know" I whispered back I heard the door and Jai walked in with Eve asleep on him he lay her on the bed and wrapped her up he looked at us he grabbed my hand

"She has a type of leukaemia" he said he hugged me and Luke and gave us a slight smile and walked out I looked at Luke

"Leukaemia" I said I stood up and went to look at Eve

"It's unfair" I said starting to cry as I looked at my little girl lying in her cot peaceful as ever not even looking sick she looks like a normal healthy baby Luke grabbed me and took me outside the room and held me he had his head in the crook of my neck I felt my shoulder getting wet also from him crying

"I love you" he said holding me tighter

"I love you too" I said I pulled away and wiped his face and whipped my own

"Let's get some food and have a bit of a break to try and process all the news we have" I said I entwined my fingers with his and we walked to the café for food and drink.

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